Daily Devotional 3-3-23

Daily Devotional 3-3-23

Seek God
   We need to be constantly seeking God, looking for him in all things, following his word, and plan for our lives. If you look for God you will find him, it doesn't matter the task or circumstance, he is with you. Just think about when you cook dinner, it is a task we do everyday and probably not one that you look for God in. But if you truly stop and think about it God provided the food for you to cook, he gave you the job to afford to buy it, and it was even God who made a way for the food to grow so we could even have it. God provides for us always in the big things and the little things. We can seek God in many different ways, it can be looking for him in all things, but seeking God can also mean actively searching for him and his will for our life. It can mean not making any big life decisions without seeking his guidance first. We need to seek God and his will always above anything else. We need to seek more of his presence in our daily life and seek his strength to get us through all situations.
 Lord we thank you for your strength in all things. We desire to be in your presence more. Help us to be more aware of you and your many blessings in our lives. Help us to spend more time with you throughout the day, Lord. We thank you for your love and we love you Father, in Jesus name we pray Amen. 
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