Seek God. Whatever it is you are struggling with it is not too big for God. God doesn't judge us for mistakes, heartaches, or fears. He heals us, delivers us, and redeems us. Sometimes we go through things not to separate us from God, but so that we can learn to lean on him through all situations. Seek God, he will never hide from you. When you truly lay your burdens at his feet you will feel his love and goodness wash over you. Don't allow shame to keep you from God, and his freedom. He is still here moving, working, listening, answering, and loving. God is still the same.
Lord we are seeking you. We seek your goodness and your love. We thank you that you have a plan for our life and we just ask that you have your way. Help us to remain faithful and to trust in you.. We know that you are still good and still answer our prayers. Give us peace in the waiting and courage to follow your path, in Jesus name we pray Amen.
I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.
Psalm 34:4 ESV