Commit your Work to the Lord
Sometimes, we can feel like we are in a season of uncertainty. We can feel like we have so many options and don't know what the next step to take is. Or maybe you are the complete opposite, you feel as though you have everything together and your whole life is planned out. You know what you are doing and where you are going. Either way, you still need God's guidance. You still need to be constantly striving to follow his path. You may feel like you know what to do, but God may have other plans. Life is full of twists and turns, but as long as we are committing our work to God, he will show us his plans. When we submit ourselves and our work to him, he will guide us on the right path.
Lord, thank you for your guidance. Thank you for your constant communication with us, even if it is hard to hear sometimes. We ask that your will be done in our lives, not our own. We submit ourselves to you and commit all of our work to you. We want to honor you always, Lord. Help us to stay on your path Lord and to never stray, in Jesus name we pray Amen.
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
Proverbs 16:3 ESV