The Good Sheperd
This is a powerful verse and we can read it and feel at ease knowing The Good Sheperd is guiding our path and helping us when we stumble. The Good Sheperd loved us so much that he willingly gave his life for us and the time he had on earth was spent serving others. We can’t even begin to understand what it’s like to love like that but we can be immensely thankful for that love, and try to show that love to other people. We don’t have to worry about our lives because we know our Sheperd will protect us and take care of us. He truly is The Good Sheperd.
Thank you Jesus for laying down your life for us. Thank you for being our Good Sheperd and guiding us through our struggles. Please help us to show your love to others. Thank you for giving us peace and for loving us unconditionally. Thank you for protecting us and providing for us. Thank you for the grace and mercy you give us each day. Thank you for giving us unending joy even through the hard times and for being our strength and our refuge. Please help us to leave all of our worries with You and know that You will take care of us, in Jesus name we pray Amen.
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep John 10:11 ESV