Practice Self-control
Our attitude matters, how we behave and react to a situation matters. Having a short fuse and not thinking before we react can ruin everything. When we react based on our emotions in a situation without thinking about it or talking to God about it, we can end up doing and saying things that we regret. Having a short fuse, or quick temper, can lead to destruction. When we act hastily it causes us to sin and hurt those around us. As children of God, we need to practice self-control. We need to use our knowledge of God and his love to help us make good decisions on how to react. Let God transform your heart, your mind, your words, and your actions to line up with his will and plan for your life.
Lord move in us. Transform our hearts and our minds to think more like you. To show love and kindness even when we are upset. Help us to practice self-control. Help us to strive to honor you with every action and word. We love you Lord, and we thank you for your goodness, in Jesus name we pray Amen.