Daily Devotion 2-10-24

Daily Devotion 2-10-24

We all know that one day Jesus is going to come back to earth. He will save his people from the chaos we as humans have created. I don't know about you, but I know if Jesus were to come tomorrow, I want to be ready.

We need to feel confident in where we are going and who we belong too. There is no time to question where our eternity will be.

Confidence in our eternity comes from our relationship with the Lord. If we know we have a strong relationship with the Lord and strive to be rooted in him than we will gain confidence. If we know who God is but don't truly know him on a personal level then we won't be able to have confidence. God is not searching for religious people he is searching for people who are willing to lay down their life and have a genuine relationship with Him.

We don't know when Jesus will return we may live to see the rapture we may not but why would you want to doubt if you are ready. Why would you waste your time assuming you have time to come to God tomorrow when you could today.

No one is promised the next breath. None of us know when our time will come. Don't spend eternity wishing you would have made God a priority earlier, do it now.

Don't waste any time, prepare yourself. Humble yourself at the feet of Jesus and accept his gift of salvation.

Lord, we are coming to you to fully surrender. Forgive us of our sins and wash us clean of our fleshly ways. Create us into new beings. Renew our hearts, our minds and our spirits. Help us to be more like you. Help us to know you more. Give us a desire to have a deeper relationship with you. A relationship that is so strong we know that we belong to you. We want to be your good and faithful servants but also your friend. We love you Lord, help us to never forget your love for us, in Jesus name we pray Amen.

And since you don’t know when that time will come, be on guard! Stay alert!
‭‭Mark‬ ‭13:33‬ ‭NLT‬‬
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