Daily Devotion 11-2-23

Daily Devotion 11-2-23

This world can weigh you down. It can bring you to your knees in heartache. There are many trials and so much heartbreak here on this earth. The world will take its best shot to discourage you and lead you astray, but we must remember the Lord never leaves our side. He is right there with us through every heart break, every trial, every overwhelming day, everything. When you are struggling lay your pain at the feet of Jesus and allow him to take care of your heavy burdens. Living a life with God doesn't mean we will be pain free. But it does mean we have the comforter and the healer on our side. He will walk with us every step of the way and fill us with his joy, strength, and hope.
Lord we feel weak. We are being weighed down by our heavy burdens. We know you are in control, and you are our healer. Help us to lay our burdens at your feet and to let you take control. Help us to walk through every valley and to remain humble and focused on you on every mountain, in Jesus name we pray Amen.
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18 ESV
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