Daily Devotion 11-1-23

Daily Devotion 11-1-23

We must forgive others. Forgiveness is a freeing act for both you and the other person, but it is also an act of love. Forgiveness can be hard, sometimes people will do things we don't want to forgive them for. But we know in order to be forgiven we must also forgive. We all make mistakes but not every mistake should ruin relationships. People are meant to be in our lives for a reason. Whether its meant to be a short while or for your whole life. We don't want to block what God wants to do in your relationship, just because you can't forgive them. Sometimes we will have to forgive people and move on with our life. But sometimes we will forgive people and move out of the way so God can grow and flourish the relationship. Our community is very important so let's not let bitterness and anger ruin it. Let's allow love to lead every decision and choice we make.
Lord we thank you for your love. Fill us with your love so that it would overflow on to others. Help us to be kind and patient. Help us to be more like you and to be a light for you. Give us strength and peace to forgive no matter the circumstance, in Jesus name we pray Amen.
Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends.
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17:9‬ ‭NLT
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