Daily Devotion 10-26-23

Daily Devotion 10-26-23

Pray for all people. Prayer is a very powerful tool that we can use not only for ourselves but also for other people. When we pray we are inviting God into a situation to move and change it for the better. We could all use more of God in our life and when we pray for someone, we are asking for God to be with that person. Prayer is very powerful, when we pray over someone or something the whole situation can be turned around. We pray for people because we love them. Prayer can completely change someone's life. Nothing bad can ever come out of praying for someone. So if the only way you can help someone is by praying for them, you are already doing far more for them, than you could do on your own. When we invite the power of God into a situation we can trust that it will be worked out for our good. We need to do better at praying for others, whether it is in private or with them. Let's make it a habit to start praying for others and their circumstances. 
Lord we want to come to you and pray over our families, our communities, our churches, your people God, we just ask that you be with them and move in their life. We don't know the needs God but we know that you do and we just ask that you have your way in their lives and fill them with strength and peace. Lord help us to be willing to look past ourselves and to see others and pray for them. Help us to step out of our comfort zone and to pray for others. Help us to bring all our needs to you and to trust that you will take care of them, in Jesus name we pray Amen. 
I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. 1 Timothy‬ ‭2:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬
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