Daily Devotion 1-28-23

Daily Devotion 1-28-23

Praise the Lord
It's easy to get caught up in the chaos of everyday life and just go through the motions to get through the day. We become stagnate. We move but feel stuck . Remember this that the Lord our God is with you and is carrying you through. He is blessing you daily, even when you are not praising him , he is blessing us. We need to be mindful of all the blessings the Lord has and is giving us and praise him for it. We need to honor him and show him love by worshipping and praising him always, even through the storms. I don't know about you but He is who I would want with me always, in every storm, celebration, struggle and win. So I will praise him continually because the more we draw near to him the more he is present and moving in our lives.
Father God, I thank you for your mercy and grace. We ask that you help us be mindful of the blessings you give us and have our eyes open to see all the wonderous thing you do for us. We thank you for the freedom to openly praise you and honor you, Father. We praise you always. We are grateful for all you do for us and will share your love and praise with all that we see. We want to do your will and your works, Father. Give us the words and wisdom to share your word. We will forever praise you and draw closer and closer to you. We thank you for your goodness. In Jesus name, Amen. 
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