Daily Davotion 5-18-23

Daily Davotion 5-18-23

Guard Your Heart
What does it mean to guard your heart? It means to be careful of what you let in your heart, mind, and spirit. What’s in your heart and mind determines your actions. If you let anger stay in your heart then you will react with anger. If you have peace and joy in your heart your actions and choices will reflect that. We can’t let any of the negative influences in this world affect what’s in our hearts. In order to do that we should fill our hearts and minds with Gods word.
Thank you for all the blessings you have given us. Please help us to keep your word in our hearts and minds and help us to keep our focus on you. Thank you for giving us peace and joy. Please guide us on the path you have for us and help us to spread your love to others. Thank you for always protecting us and providing for us. Please help us to keep all of our faith in you, in Jesus Name we pray, Amen.
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life
Proverbs 4:23 NLT
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